Terms and Conditions

Bolt Best Breakups Website Terms and Conditions

These Bolt Best Breakups website Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) aim to explain the terms for downloading and sharing photos and videos of people describing giving up their cars and the experience of living a car-free life.

By downloading, using and sharing the photos and videos available on this Bolt Best Breakups website at bestbreakups.com, you acknowledge to have read, understood and agreed to these Terms. If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions listed below, do not download, use or share the photos or videos.

These Terms are entered between you and Bolt Operations OÜ (“Bolt”), a private limited company, founded in the Republic of Estonia (Company Registration Number 14532901), whose place of business is at Vana-Lõuna 15, Tallinn 10134.


1.1 You may download, use and share the photos and videos available on the Bolt Best Breakups website free of charge, subject to the rules set out in these Terms.

1.2 Bolt provides the photos and videos on the Bolt Best Breakups website on an “as is” and “as available” basis without a warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, statutory or otherwise.

1.3 Bolt may modify, replace, or remove the Bolt Best Breakups website or any part of it (including its copy, photos and videos) at any time, for any reason, with or without notice, at Bolt’s sole discretion. In conjunction with such a right, you may be requested to delete the downloaded photo or video, and, to the extent that it is possible, to remove the image from where it is used.


2.1 Subject to your compliance with these Terms and the law, you may access and share the photos and videos available on the Bolt Best Breakups website. Bolt remains the sole owner of all rights, title, and interest of the original photos, videos and other content created for Bolt on the Bolt Best Breakups website, and reserves all rights not expressly granted under these Terms.

2.2 All content on this Bolt Best Breakups website is protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws and treaties. Any unauthorized use of any content available on the website violates such laws and these Terms. You agree not to modify, adapt, create derivative works based on, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, license, sublicense, use for commercial purposes or reverse engineer the photos, videos and other content currently or previously available on the Bolt Best Breakups website. In addition, you agree not to use any data mining, robots or similar data and/or image gathering and extraction methods in connection with the visual, audio and written content currently or previously available on the Bolt Best Breakups website.

2.3 Downloading, distributing, displaying and/or copying any photos, videos or other content available on the Bolt Best Breakups website implies full agreement with these Terms. You may not perform any of the aforementioned actions with the content available on this site unless you agree to these Terms.

2.4 You may not remove or modify any watermarks, design elements or copyright notices that may be on the photos or videos, unless expressly permitted in writing (including email and online messaging) by a member of the Bolt Brand team or their designated spokesperson.


3.1 You may not use any of the photos, videos or other content in print or commercial purposes on any mediums, unless expressly permitted in writing (including email and online messaging) by a member of the Bolt Brand team or their designated spokesperson. Private and social media sharing is permitted, as long as the Terms have been observed.

3.2 You may not use the photos, videos or other content in any manner or context which might be perceived as offensive, misleading, fraudulent, unethical, or unlawful activity. Also, you agree not to engage in any activity which is not transparent to Bolt, or any activity that intentionally or unintentionally misuses or circumvents the Bolt Best Breakups website, its photos, videos and other content.


4.1 You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Bolt, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, employees and agents against any claims, damages, costs, any direct or indirect loss, liabilities and expenses arising out of or related to your conduct or your use of the Bolt Best Breakups website and its content, or your breach or alleged breach of these Terms.


5.1 These Terms shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia. If the respective dispute resulting from the Terms could not be settled by negotiations, then the dispute shall be solved in Harju County Court.


6.1 Any questions or issues can be raised to Bolt via email bestbreakups@bolt.eu.

6.2 Additional information on the Bolt Best Breakups movement can be found on the official website bestbreakups.com.